What is Data Structure and Algorithm

What is Data Structure and Algorithm?

You may already know that computers are used to store and modify massive amounts of data. Data structures are used to efficiently and conveniently arrange and store data.

Organizing and storing data in a computer so that it can be accessed and used effectively is known as a data structure. In addition to defining the relationships between data pieces, it offers a means of representing and storing data. Common data structures include trees, stacks, queues, linked lists, arrays, and stacks.

Now, an algorithm is a set of guidelines or procedures used to complete a task or solve a problem. To get a certain outcome, algorithms are used to alter data that is stored in data structures. Data in an array or linked list can be sorted using a sorting algorithm, for instance.

Data structures and algorithms are closely associated in computer science because an algorithm’s effectiveness frequently depends on the selection of an effective data structure. An algorithm can become more effective and quick with the right data format. For instance, a hash table is a popular data structure for quick data retrieval and searching.

It is impossible to emphasize the significance of data structures and algorithms in computer science. Writing effective computer programs requires an understanding of these fundamental ideas, which serve as the cornerstone of software development.

For example, suppose you are creating software to look for a specific name in a large client database. Your program’s effectiveness will be influenced by the algorithm and data format you choose. Your software could take a long time to finish the search if you pick a poor data structure or technique. Yet, your program will run more quickly and efficiently if you select an effective data structure and algorithm.

What are Data Structures and types?

Data structures are specific methods for setting up and keeping data in a computer so that it may be accessed, changed, and searched quickly. There are many different kinds of data structures, and each has benefits and drawbacks that vary depending on the objectives of the application.

1. Arrays

Arrays are a type of data structure that keep a group of identically categorised elements in close proximity to one another in memory. Despite having a fixed size, they can be ineffective for dynamic data or big datasets since they require constant-time access to individual items via an index.


  • Index-based constant-time access to individual elements
  • For tiny, fixed-size data sets, effective
  • Simple to use and understand


  • Uniform size
  • Ineffective for large or dynamic data set


a list of contact details

a list of test results

2. Linked Lists

Linked lists are a type of data structure that are made up of a series of nodes, each of which contains an element and a reference to the node after it in the list. They are distinguished by their speedy insert and delete of elements, but because of their non-contiguous memory allocation, their traversal may be slower than arrays.


  • Effective element addition and deletion
  • Varying size
  • Memory-efficient


  • Traversing more slowly than arrays
  • Less effective for gaining access to specific elements


  • a musical playlist
  • books listed

3. Stacks and Queues

Data structures used for handling a group of components include stacks and queues. The LIFO (last-in, first-out) ordering of stacks distinguishes them from queues, which are distinguished by the FIFO (first-in, first-out) ordering.


  • Easy to implement and comprehend
  • Effective element addition and deletion


  • Limited access to certain features
  • Ineffective for sorting and searching


In text editors, stacks can be utilized for the undo/redo capability.

In a printer queue, queues can be used to manage print jobs.

4. Trees

Trees are a type of hierarchical data structure that is made up of nodes and edges. There is one node known as the root that has no parents, and each node can have one or more children. The ability to efficiently explore and arrange data in a hierarchical fashion is a characteristic of trees.


  • Effective data sorting and searching
  • Useful for displaying hierarchical relationships


  • Unable to handle dynamic data
  • Difficult to implement and comprehend Examples


  • The computer’s file system
  • A company’s organizational chart

5. Graphs:

A graph is a data structure made up of nodes (vertices) and the connections between them (edges). They are useful for modelling networks, social media connections, and a variety of other tasks because they can depict intricate interconnections between data.


  • Modular and effective for simulating intricate interactions
  • Can depict a variety of real-world scenarios.


  • Difficult to implement and comprehend
  • Large data sets’ search and sorting efficiency is poor


  • Using social media
  • Road systems

What are Algorithms and types?

Algorithms are a collection of instructions or rules that must be followed in order to complete a task or solve an issue. There are many different kinds of algorithms, and each has benefits and drawbacks that vary depending on the particular issue being solved.

1. Sorting Algorithms

Sorting algorithms are employed to categorize and organize the elements of a list or an array. Several of the most popular sorting formulas include:

  • Bubble Sort: If two adjacent elements in a list are in the wrong order, Bubble Sort compares them and swaps them. It goes over the list several times until no more swaps are required.
  • Selection Sort: The smallest entry in the list is chosen and placed at the top of the list using the selection sort algorithm. The method is then repeated for the remaining list items.
  • Insertion Sort: This sorting method begins with one element in the list and inserts each additional element into the list in the appropriate location in relation to the sorted portion.
  • Quick Sort: Quick Sort chooses a pivot element and divides the list into two parts, placing elements on one side that are smaller than the pivot and elements on the other that are larger than the pivot. After that, it sorts each of these components repeatedly.
  • Merge Sort: Merge Sort splits a list into two parts, sorts each half independently using recursive steps, and then combines the two sorted parts.


  • Able to sort huge datasets effectively
  • Large-scale data analysis and search useful; can be tailored to meet certain requirements


  • For small datasets, some sorting techniques can be ineffective.
  • Certain algorithms need more processing power or memory

2. Searching Algorithms

Searching Algorithms:  are employed to locate a particular element in a list or an array. The following are some of the most popular search algorithms:

To find the desired element or to get to the end of the list, a linear search iterates through the list element by element.

Binary Search divides the list into two halves, compares the middle element with the target element, and then repeatedly searches the relevant half of the list.


  • An effective search of big datasets
  • Useful for locating specific list items
  • Can be modified to meet particular demands


  • Certain search algorithms demand that the list be sorted first.
  • If the required element is not present in the list, some algorithms may fail to find it.

3. Recursive Algorithms

Recursive algorithms are those that call themselves in order to solve a problem. They can be applied to a wide range of issues, including search and sorting algorithms.


  • Using the Fibonacci sequence to traverse a binary tree


  • Able to solve challenging issues
  • Can some cases be more effective than non-recursive algorithms
  • For some issues, it might be simpler to comprehend and put into practice.


  • Potentially memory-intensive compared to non-recursive algorithms
  • May some circumstances be less effective than non-recursive algorithms

4. Greedy Algorithms

Greedy Algorithms: In order to achieve a globally optimal solution, greedy algorithms choose the locally optimal option at each step. They are frequently employed for optimization issues.


  • The issue with coin exchange
  • Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm


  • Able to solve problems fast
  • Frequently offer accurate approximations to ideal answers
  • Can be applied to a variety of issues


  • May not always come up with the world’s best answer
  • It can be challenging to decide when a greedy algorithm is necessary.

5. Dynamic Programming Algorithms

Algorithms for Dynamic Programming: Dynamic programming algorithms divide a problem into smaller subproblems and solve each subproblem just once. They can be more effective than brute force techniques and are frequently employed for optimization challenges.


  • The issue with knapsacks
  • Longest common sequence issue 


  • Can effectively tackle complicated problems
  • Can be applied to a variety of issues
  • Frequently offer ideal answers


  • Can be challenging to use and comprehend

Difference between Data Structures and Algorithms

Data Structures Algorithms
Concerned with organizing and storing data Concerned with manipulating data to achieve a desired outcome
Provide a way to access and use data efficiently Provide a set of rules or procedures to solve a problem or perform a task
Examples include arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs Examples include sorting and searching algorithms, recursive algorithms, greedy algorithms, and dynamic programming algorithms

Purpose, Functionality, and Implementation

Data structures offer a mechanism to organize and store data so that it can be retrieved and used effectively. They also provide functionality and implementation. They are used in many different applications, including web development, database management systems, artificial intelligence and machine learning, gaming, and operating systems. They are made to maximise the usage of memory and computing capacity.

Here are some applications of data structures and algorithms in different fields

Field Applications
Web Development – Arrays and Linked Lists for storing and manipulating data <br>- Hash tables for fast retrieval of data <br>- Sorting algorithms for sorting data
Database Management Systems – Trees for organizing data <br>- Hash tables for fast retrieval of data <br>- Graphs for representing relationships between data
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning – Trees and Graphs for representing decision trees and networks <br>- Stacks and Queues for implementing search algorithms <br>- Dynamic programming for optimizing algorithms
Gaming – Graphs for representing game maps and pathways <br>- Sorting algorithms for ranking players and scores <br>- Trees for representing game states and outcomes
Operating Systems – Arrays and Linked Lists for managing memory and processes <br>- Trees for organizing file systems and directories <br>- Hash tables for fast retrieval of system data

Interview questions about DSA

Here are a few examples of interview questions related to Data Structures and Algorithms:

1. What differentiates a stack from a queue?

In a stack, the final element added comes before the first one removed (Last-In-First-Out), but in a queue, the first element added comes before the first one removed (First-In-First-Out).

2. How do you implement a hash table?

An array and a hash function can be used to build a hash table. The hash function accepts a key as input and outputs an index in the array that points to the location of the value that corresponds to that key. A collision happens when two keys have the same hash value, and the values are then placed in a linked list at that index.

3. What is a priority queue and how does it work?

A priority queue is a type of data structure that allows for constant-time average insertion and deletion of the element with the highest priority. It operates by maintaining the element with the highest priority at the front of the queue.

4. What is a binary search tree and how does it work?

The right child of a node is always bigger than the node, and the left child of a node is always smaller than the node in a binary search tree, a form of a binary tree. Each node has a maximum of two children. Depending on whether the search value is less than or higher than the current node, it recursively searches the left or right subtree.

5. What is the difference between breadth-first search and depth-first search algorithms?

An algorithm is known as “breadth-first search” visits every node within a particular depth of a graph or tree before going on to the next depth level. The depth-first search algorithm, in contrast, traverses a graph or tree by first visiting every node in a branch, then going back to visit the other branches.

Future of Data Structure and Algorithm

The advancement of technology will have a significant impact on how data structures and algorithms are used in the future. The demand for more efficient and effective data structures and algorithms will grow in significance as technology progresses.

 Here are some prospective fields for development and innovation:

  • Big Data: As a result of the recent boom in data, there is an increasing need for effective data structures and algorithms that can manage massive amounts of data. Data structures and algorithms that can manage intricate data types, including graphs and trees, and carry out sophisticated operations on them, will be required.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: As machine learning and AI applications proliferate, it will be necessary to develop data structures and algorithms that can support them. For instance, effective algorithms for grouping, classification, and regression analysis will be required.
  • Internet of Things: The Internet of Things (IoT) is a young industry that will likely experience rapid growth in the years to come. Data structures and algorithms that can manage the enormous volumes of data created by connected devices and conduct real-time analysis on them will be required as the number of linked devices rises.
  • Quantum Computing: Data structures and algorithms may undergo a revolution as a result of the new and developing field of quantum computing. Due to the fact that quantum computers can do calculations that are not possible on classical computers, new, more effective algorithms and data structures may be created.

Salary in Data Structure and Algorithm in India

Professionals with knowledge of data structures and algorithms are in high demand and can earn competitive salaries in India. In India, a fresher can expect to make between INR 3-5 lakhs and INR 8 to 20 lakhs annually in the field of data structures and algorithms, with some seasoned experts earning much more. The income may change depending on a number of variables, including the sector, job function, location, and level of education. Data structure and algorithm specialists typically earn better pay in the IT and e-commerce sectors. A master’s degree or pertinent certifications in Python and Java can further increase salaries.

While it may be true that DSA has some fundamental ideas that are simple to understand, mastering it is a continuous process that demands focus and work. Data structures and algorithms are crucial to computer science and have a wide range of practical uses, from creating effective software to resolving challenging issues in fields like technology, finance, and healthcare. Continuous learning and practice can help individuals stay updated with the latest trends and techniques in the field and become proficient in solving real-world problems.

Tap Academy’s DSA course has content that is delivered with the help of AR and is the best place to learn DSA. By creating a more interactive and engaging environment for learning, the usage of cutting-edge technology like augmented reality (AR) can benefit students. Some students may find DSA to be a difficult subject, therefore using cutting-edge teaching strategies like AR might help them comprehend and remember the material.