backend developer roadmap

Backend Developer Roadmap 2023

Many aspiring backend developers are confused regarding the skills they need to master and how should they start. Don’t worry!!! This blog is the comprehensive step-by-step guide to make you understand the backend developer roadmap and achieve your goal successfully.

It is hard to survive without the internet and web or native apps in the modern digital environment. Websites are constantly required for tasks like paying bills and shopping for goods.

In addition, every web application appears to offer users a simple and smooth experience. But have you ever considered how it operates so precisely?

A web page has two parts: the front end and the back end. The front end is responsible for the aesthetics and feel of the page, while the back end is in charge of its functionality and technical aspects.

Backend Developer Definition

Backend web development consists of creating all of a website’s components that are not visible to users but are necessary for the website to operate correctly. It is the operation that takes place in the background of many web apps and entails writing and maintaining the code necessary to keep a website operational.

The average annual salary for a backend developer in India is 583,848 rupees, with salaries varying from 257,000 to 1,500,000 based on the developer’s region, industry, and level of expertise. There is a large market for backend developers in India, as many businesses are eager to acquire qualified experts in this area.

The Indian IT sector is anticipated to expand at a rate of 7.7% in 2021, with a rise in the demand for qualified personnel in fields like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity. As a result, it is anticipated that there would be a continued high need for backend developers in India.

Importance of having a Backend Developer Roadmap

The journey to becoming a backend developer is clearly laid out in a roadmap. It describes the abilities and knowledge needed, the procedures to follow, and the objectives to hit along the route. This makes things clearer and makes it easier for you to concentrate on the duties at hand. You can track your progress and stay motivated as you work towards your ultimate goal of becoming a backend developer by dividing the process down into smaller, more manageable goals. 

You can modify a backend roadmap to fit your own learning preferences and style. Making the most of your learning experience is possible by customizing the roadmap to fit your learning style, interests, and strengths.

You can expand your career options and boost your earning potential by gaining the information and skills needed for this position.

Backend Developer Roadmap In 2023

Clarity, goal-setting, time management, personalizing your learning experience, and professional advancement all depend on establishing a plan to becoming a backend developer. Here is a 7 step backend developer roadmap, go through these steps and achieve your goal to be the expert backend developer:

Step 1: Learn Backend Development Technologies

A key step in becoming a backend developer is learning programming languages

These significant programming languages are worth learning are as follows:

  1. Python is a well-liked programming language for creating backends. It is renowned for being straightforward, readable, and adaptable. Python is frequently used to create online applications and for machine learning, data analysis, and scientific computing. Django and Flask are two common Python frameworks.
  2. Java: Another well-liked programming language for creating backends is Java. It has a reputation for being secure, scalable, and stable. Java is frequently used to create web services and enterprise-level applications. The prominent Java frameworks are Spring and Hibernate.

Backend developers must learn these programming languages in order to create and manage the server-side of web applications. The best language to use relies on the particular requirements of the project because each of these languages has advantages and disadvantages of its own. Backend developers can increase their skill set and adaptability in their roles by studying several programming languages.

Step 2: Understanding Databases

A crucial 2nd step of backend developer roadmap is understanding databases. Databases are used to systematically store, arrange, and retrieve data. The following are some significant databases to learn:

MySQL: Web development frequently uses MySQL, an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). It is renowned for its dependability, adaptability, and usability. Several web applications, such as content management systems (CMS) and e-commerce platforms, employ MySQL. For instance, MySQL is used by WordPress, one of the most widely used CMS platforms, to handle its databases.

PostgreSQL: Another well-liked open-source RDBMS that is renowned for its dependability and toughness is PostgreSQL. It is frequently employed when creating online applications for industries like banking and finance that demand high standards of data integrity and security.

MongoDB: Built for scalability and flexibility, MongoDB is a NoSQL document-oriented database. It is employed for managing and storing unstructured data, including user-generated content, product reviews, and social networking posts. MongoDB is frequently used in web applications, including gaming and mobile ones, that need high levels of scalability and performance.

Step 3: Understand Web Servers

Being a backend developer also requires understanding web servers. Software programs known as web servers provide a foundation for hosting and serving online applications.

Almost 50% of all websites utilize the Apache web server, a well-liked open-source web server. It is renowned for its consistency, safety, and adaptability. Web applications like content management systems (CMS) and e-commerce platforms employ Apache.

Another well-liked open-source web server, Nginx, is renowned for its outstanding performance, scalability, and speed. It is frequently employed for load balancing, reverse proxying, and serving static and dynamic information.

Step 4: Understand APIs 

An essential first step in becoming a backend developer is to understand APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). APIs are interfaces that enable communication between various software programmes. Developers can create programmes that communicate with other programmes, retrieve data, and carry out a variety of tasks thanks to APIs.

Here are some examples of API’s that show how important they are in backend development:

Social media sites: Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer APIs that programmers may use to connect their applications to the site. As a result, programmers can create applications that interact with the features of the platform, upload content, and access user data.

Payment gateways: Payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, and Braintree offer APIs that developers can use to include the payment gateway into their programmes. This makes it possible for developers to create programmes that manage subscriptions, process payments, and carry out other tasks associated with payments.

Weather information: Access to weather information from many areas across the world is made possible through the APIs offered by weather services like OpenWeatherMap. This makes it possible for programmers to create programmes that can deliver weather alerts, forecasts, and other weather-related data.

Step 5: Understanding Server-side Frameworks

Backend developers must understand server-side frameworks in order to construct web applications more quickly and effectively. Server-side frameworks offer a collection of pre-made tools and parts that may be used to perform typical web development tasks including routing, data storage, and authentication. Backend developers can become more adaptable in their roles and adjust to various project requirements by studying diverse server-side frameworks.

Django is a well-liked open-source Python web framework that’s renowned for being straightforward, adaptable, and quick to construct. With a strong ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), a templating engine, and an admin panel, it offers a full-stack framework for creating web applications.

Popular open-source JavaScript web framework Express.js is renowned for its ease of use and adaptability. It offers a simple framework for creating online applications and includes routing, template engines, and middleware for managing HTTP requests and responses.

Step 6: Understanding Security

For backend developers, security is crucial because it enables them to create online apps that are secure and safeguard critical data. Backend developers can find and avoid potential security flaws in their apps by mastering security concepts and recommended practices.

Verifying a user’s or application’s identity is the process of Authentication. In addition to the usual username and password, this can also be done using biometrics, two-factor authentication, or other techniques.

Data is transformed into a code through the process of Encryption to prevent unauthorized access. This is usually accomplished using algorithms that encrypt data and require a key or password to decrypt it. 

When malicious code is injected into a database query, a SQL injection attack takes place. The database server can then execute the malicious code. Using parameterized queries and carefully verifying user input are important for preventing SQL injection attacks.

Step 7: Deployment

Last step of backend roadmap is making a web application accessible to users on a live server viz known as deployment. The appropriate infrastructure must be set up, the server must be configured, and the code must be deployed to the server.

Here is a step-by-step guide to deploying a web application:

  • Choose a hosting company: Selecting a hosting company to host your application on a live server is the first step towards deployment. Several hosting companies are accessible, including AWS, Digital Ocean, and Heroku.
  • Setup the server: After deciding on a hosting company, you must set up the server so that your application can function. This includes setting up the database, installing the required dependencies, and configuring the server software, such as Apache or Nginx.
  • Method: A web application can be deployed in a variety of ways, such as using FTP, Git, or a continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) tool. Pick a deployment strategy that suits your application the best.
  • Create a production build: You must first make a production build before deploying your application. This entails preparing the code for production, which includes generating any required assets and minifying JavaScript and CSS files.
  • Code deployment: After producing a production build, you can use the deployment mechanism of your choice to upload the code to the server. Files may need to be copied to the server, code may need to be pushed to a Git repository, or code changes may need to be automatically deployed using a CI/CD technology.

For backend developers, deployment is crucial since it enables them to make their web apps accessible to users online. Backend engineers may make sure their web application is dependable, scalable, and secure by correctly deploying it.

If you want to be a high-salaried backend developer then you need to go through these blogs too.

Also Read:

  1. How to build logic in programming?
  2. Backend Developer Salary In India
  3. Backend Developer Job Description
  4. Must have Backend Developer Skills


This 7 step backend development roadmap might be useful for learning the process, but practice and ongoing learning are needed to become a skilled backend developer. Developing side projects is a fantastic method to hone your abilities and obtain practical experience. Working together with other developers is a terrific method to acquire new knowledge and abilities. Building scalable and maintainable apps requires good development practices, such as writing clean and maintainable code, using version control, and creating unit tests.

Because we value practical knowledge at Tap Academy we prioritize providing our students with real-world, project-based learning opportunities. Our full stack developer courses are designed and delivered utilizing augmented reality technology, giving students the opportunity to work on genuine projects while using authentic tools, interacting with peers, and receiving mentoring. By doing this, we seek to provide our students with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful Back-end developers and to get them ready for the challenges and opportunities of the real world.

FAQs on Backend Developer Roadmap

What are the steps of backend developer roadmap?

There are 7 steps in backend developer roadmap:

  1. Learn backend development technologies (Python, Java, etc)
  2. Understand Databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB)
  3. Understand Web servers (Apache, Nginx)
  4. Learn APIs
  5. Study diverse server-side frameworks
  6. Master security and authentication concepts
  7. Work on Deployment