Front-End Developer Interview Question

Front-End Developer Interview Question

The aesthetic and interactive components of a website are created and implemented by a front-end developer. They create user-friendly websites that adhere to both technical and aesthetic standards using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. As it affects the whole user experience, front-end development is an essential part of web development. Front-end developers must keep up with the most recent tools and trends as technology develops in order to deliver excellent website functionality and design.

During the interview, the interviewer will evaluate the candidate’s technical skills (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), design skills, problem-solving aptitudes, communication skills, flexibility and learning capacity, and portfolio during the front-end developer interview. Technical questions, evaluations of design and UX knowledge, problem-solving abilities, communication abilities, a look at the applicant’s portfolio, and a search for a readiness to learn and adapt to new technologies will all be part of the interview process.

In the new modern era, a degree doesn’t quite play an important role in getting a tech-savvy job, if a person has technical skills, and is much easier to get an IT job which every tech graduate is capable of. 

Front-end developer interview for fresher

1. What is HTML, and what is its purpose?

The structure and content of a web page are created using a language called HTML, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language. The goal of HTML is to offer a common language for describing the structure and content of a web page so that both people and computers can read and comprehend it.

2. What does CSS do and what is it used for?

Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS for short, is a style sheet language used to specify how a web page should look and be formatted. It is simple to distinguish between the presentation and the content when using CSS to control a web page’s layout, color, font, and other visual aspects.

3. What is JavaScript, and how does it differ from HTML and CSS?

Web pages can be made more interactive and dynamic by using the scripting language JavaScript. Contrary to HTML and CSS, which are used to specify a web page’s structure and look, JavaScript is used to add interactivity, such as reacting to user activities, dynamically changing page content, and producing animations.

4. What is the DOM (Document Object Model), and what is its purpose?

With the use of computer languages like JavaScript, developers can alter the structure and content of a web page by using the DOM, which is a tree-like representation of the page. The goal of the DOM is to offer a uniform method of gaining access to and controlling a web page’s content so that it can be dynamically modified in response to user activities.

5. What is a front-end framework, and why is it used?

A front-end framework is a ready-made library that offers the fundamental framework for developing a web application. Complex web applications can be created and maintained more easily because to its use in streamlining the development process. The time and effort needed to create a web application from scratch is decreased by using front-end frameworks, which offer a set of standard tools and components.

6. What is responsive design, and why is it important?

Using the responsive design technique, online pages may be made to fit a variety of screen sizes and devices. It’s critical that websites are accessible and seem well on all platforms, whether it’s a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone, given the growing number of gadgets with varying screen sizes and resolutions.

7. What are meta tags in HTML?

The HTML page’s Head tag is where the meta tags are placed. Meta tags are crucial for the browser, not the UI. In name or value pairs, meta tags are always used. Character encoding, title, and even description are all included in meta tags.

8. What is a marquee in HTML?

A marquee is a scrolling text element that appears on a webpage in HTML. It scrolls either horizontally across or vertically up or down your website page, depending on the marquee settings. Using the HTML marquee tag, which automatically scrolls text or images up, down, left, or right, you may generate the marquee effect.

9. Mention three ways to decrease page load time?

There are several factors that contribute to faster page loads. Let’s examine the three most effective methods for speeding up its loading:

  • Before publishing your films and photographs to a page, it’s always a good idea to scale them.
  • Browser Cache: Making use of the cache will speed up previously visited pages.
  • Improve and compress material: Compressing a website’s content significantly reduces page load times.
  • StyleSheet Reference at the Top: Setting a stylesheet reference to a document’s header will speed up page loading.

10. Describe the advantages of REST web services?

Some benefits of REST web services are listed below:
  • The learning curve is easy because it uses the HTTP protocol.
  • There is no agreement between the server and the client, hence the program is loosely connected.
  • RESTful methods are simple to test in the browser.
  • Additionally, it supports a variety of transmission technologies, including those for text, JSON, XML, and image data.
  • It’s a minimal protocol.

Front-end developer interview questions for experienced

1. Explain the difference between progressive enhancement and graceful degradation?

A website’s core functionality is incorporated during the construction process using the progressive enhancement methodology, and for users of more sophisticated browsers, the website is subsequently improved with new capabilities. This strategy makes sure that everyone can view the website, regardless of their browser’s capabilities.

On the other hand, graceful degradation refers to a strategy in which a website incorporates advanced capabilities before reducing their capability for users of less sophisticated browsers. This method presupposes that all users have access to the most recent technologies, which may prevent some users from using the site’s full capability.

For instance, a website created with progressive enhancement might feature a straightforward navigation menu that is open to all users, but it may also be upgraded with CSS and JavaScript to give users of contemporary browsers a more sophisticated and interactive experience.

2. Can you write the code to implement a toggle switch in Javascript

In this example, we first select the toggle switch element using querySelector and attach an event listener to it using addEventListener. The event listener listens for a change event and updates the body class based on whether the switch is checked or not. You can use CSS to style the toggle switch and the body based on the class applied to the body.

const toggleSwitch = document.querySelector(‘.switch input[type=”checkbox”]’);

toggleSwitch.addEventListener(‘change’, function() {

  if (this.checked) {


  } else {




3. Can you discuss the pros and cons of using a CSS preprocessor?

Pros of utilizing CSS preprocessors:
  • Variables: CSS preprocessors support the usage of variables, which facilitates the management and upkeep of repeated values throughout the code.
  • Nesting: CSS preprocessors support nesting, which removes the need for repetitive selectors and helps the reader grasp the code’s organization.
  • Mixins: Mixins make it possible to reuse sections of code, which reduces duplication and makes maintenance easier.
  • Functions: The built-in functions of CSS preprocessors make it simpler to carry out mathematical operations, work with colors, and carry out other helpful activities.
Cons of using CSS preprocessor are:
  • Learning Curve: Since CSS preprocessors have their own syntax and principles to understand, there is a learning curve involved in using them.
  • Workflow step addition: CSS preprocessors add a step since the preprocessed code must first be compiled into CSS in order to be used on a website.
  • Browser Compatibility: CSS preprocessors may not be compatible with all browsers, particularly older browsers, because they generate CSS code.
  • Performance: A website’s performance may suffer as a result of the extra step in the workflow and the size of the created CSS files, resulting in slower load times.

4. Can you explain the box model in CSS and how it affects the layout?

The size and proportions of items on a web page are determined using the box model in CSS. The rectangular box that contains the element’s content, padding, borders, and margins is how it’s described as taking up space in a document.

Every component of a web page is thought of as a box, and the box model specifies how these boxes interact with one another to create the page’s overall structure. The box model has a number of effects on layout:

  • Content area: The element’s content is displayed in the content area, which is the area closest to the inside of the box.
  • Padding: The gap between the content area and the border is known as padding. To give the content and border additional room, the padding can be changed.
  • The border is the line that the content and padding are enclosed. To alter how the element appears, you can change the border’s width and style.
  • The margin, which divides an element from other elements on the page, is the area outside of the border. The spacing between items can be changed by adjusting the margin.

The box model in CSS is crucial to comprehend since it directly affects how a web page is laid out. You can make well-designed, useful, and aesthetically pleasing websites by comprehending how the various components of the box model interact with one another.

5. What is stringify?

A JavaScript object or value can be transformed into a JSON string using the JavaScript method JSON.stringify. The object to be converted and an optional replacer function, which can be used to filter out data or modify values before the conversion, are the two arguments required by the JSON.stringify method.

Here’s an illustration of how to use JSON.stringify:

var obj = {name: “John”, age: 30};

var jsonString = JSON.stringify(obj);


// Output: “{“name”:”John”,”age”:30}”

In this illustration, a JavaScript object is turned into a JSON string using the JSON.stringify method. The generated string can then be used to transmit data between a client and a server or to store data.

6. What do you know about CSS Selectors?

CSS selectors are patterns used to choose HTML page elements so that styles can be applied to them. The tag name, class, id, attribute, and other information can all be used by CSS selectors to match elements. It is possible to apply styles to groups of elements or to particular instances of elements by combining selectors in a variety of ways to target individual elements. Tag selectors, class selectors, ID selectors, attribute selectors, and pseudo-class selectors are some of the CSS selectors that are most frequently used.

  • Simple selectors: These choose components based on attributes like name, id, class, etc.
  • Combinator selectors: These CSS selectors are used to select elements based on a specific relationship.
  • Pseudo-class selectors: CSS pseudo-class selectors are used to choose items depending on a specific state.
  • Pseudo-elements selectors: CSS pseudo-element selectors are used to choose and style a portion of an element.
  • Attribute selectors: CSS selectors known as “attribute selectors” choose items based on an attribute or an attribute value.

7. Can you discuss the differences between server-side rendering and client-side rendering?

In server-side rendering, a page’s HTML is created on the server and sent to the client. On the other hand, client-side rendering uses JavaScript to build HTML dynamically and refresh the content of a page in the browser. Initial load times may be quicker with server-side rendering, but overall user experience may be slower. Client-side rendering can offer a quicker and more dynamic user experience, but for consumers with weaker internet connections, it might mean longer initial load times and a slower overall experience.

8. How do you Create Nested Web Pages in HTML?

HTML frames or iframes can be used to build nested web pages.

Frames: The layout of the frames on a page is specified by the “frameset” HTML element. The “frame” HTML element is used to specify each frame, and a separate HTML file contains the definition of each frame’s content. For instance:

<frameset cols=”25%,50%,25%”>

  <frame src=”frame_a.html”>

  <frame src=”frame_b.html”>

  <frame src=”frame_c.html”>


iframes: The “iframe” HTML element is used to embed another HTML document within a page. For example:

<iframe src=”frame_a.html” width=”100%” height=”500″></iframe>

It is significant to highlight that the usage of frames is not advised because it may cause problems with usability and accessibility. A more popular technique for including content from other pages is to utilise an iframe.

9. What are the different ways to hide an Element using CSS?

When using CSS, there are numerous techniques to conceal an element:

  • Display property: An element can be hidden by setting the “display” attribute to “none.” By doing this, the element will be fully deleted from the page and will no longer occupy any space. For instance:

.element {

  display: none;


  • Visibility property: An element can be hidden by setting the “visibility” property to “hidden.” The element will remain on the page as a result, but it won’t be visible. Even so, the component will occupy some room on the page. For instance:

.element {

  visibility: hidden;


  • Opacity property: An element can be hidden by setting the “opacity” attribute to “0.” The element will remain on the page as a result, but it won’t be visible. Even so, the component will occupy some room on the page. For instance:

.element {

  opacity: 0;


  • The “height” and “width” properties can be set to “0” to make an element invisible. The element will remain on the page as a result, but it won’t be visible. Even so, the component will occupy some room on the page. For instance:

.element {

  height: 0;

  width: 0;


It is crucial to keep in mind that using “display: none” or “visibility: hidden” may have an impact on the page’s accessibility because screen readers won’t be able to access the hidden element’s content. In these circumstances, it is frequently preferable to conceal an element while keeping it available to assistive devices by using the “opacity” property.

10. What are Imports and Exports in JavaScript?

The “import” and “export” statements in JavaScript are used to share and include code between various files and modules.

You can import objects, functions, or values into the current JavaScript file using the “import” line from other JavaScript files or npm packages. For instance:

import { name1, name2 } from ‘./module.js’;

You can export functions, objects, or values from the current file for usage in other files by importing them using the “export” statement. For instance:

export const name1 = ‘value1’;

export function myFunction() {

  // …


These statements are a part of the Node.js and modern browsers’ support for the ECMAScript module system.

11. How do you Display a Table on an HTML Webpage?

To display a table on an HTML web page, you can use the <table> element and its related elements, such as <tr>, <th>, and <td>.

Here’s a basic example:



    <th>Header 1</th>

    <th>Header 2</th>



    <td>Row 1, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 1, Column 2</td>



    <td>Row 2, Column 1</td>

    <td>Row 2, Column 2</td>



The <table> element represents the table, <tr> represents a table row, <th> represents a table header cell, and <td> represents a table data cell. The table headers are typically displayed in bold and centered. You can use CSS to style the table and its elements further, adding borders, changing background colors, and more.

12. Differentiate Between Ordered List and Unordered List

In HTML, ordered lists and unordered lists are used to present a set of items in a structured format.

An ordered list is defined using the <ol> element and its items are represented using the <li> element. The items in an ordered list are numbered, for example:


  <li>Item 1</li>

  <li>Item 2</li>

  <li>Item 3</li>


An unordered list is defined using the <ul> element and its items are represented using the <li> element. The items in an unordered list are marked with bullet points, for example:


  <li>Item 1</li>

  <li>Item 2</li>

  <li>Item 3</li>


CSS can be used to style lists, such as changing the appearance of the bullet points or numbers or adding extra formattings such as changing the font size or color.


In conclusion, the front-end programming portion of the interview process offers a thorough grasp of the applicant’s technical skills and problem-solving methodology. The interviewee’s understanding of web development principles and best practices was tested, along with their proficiency with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other front-end technologies. The interviewer has learned important information about the applicant’s background, originality, and overall suitability for the job during this round. Overall, the front-end programming round is crucial in establishing a candidate’s performance in the position of a front-end developer.

For those interested in front-end programming, Tap Academy can be a useful resource. Candidates can benefit from their weekly mock interviews and programming sessions, which provide them the chance to hone their skills, acquire input from professionals, and boost their self-assurance. Additionally, candidates can benefit from Tap Academy’s systematic approach to learning with the help of Augmented Reality, which helps keep them on track and advancing steadily toward their objectives. Candidates can significantly improve their chances of passing front-end programming interviews by utilizing these tools.